Genetec Grants
Support Team

Partner through the US grant funding process

Explore potential grant funding for your next project

The Genetec Grants Support Team (GGST) offers complimentary services for law enforcement agencies to help navigate the grant funding process.

Our goal is to provide everything from consultation to full proposal development.

Grant research funding meeting

Defining and communicating objectives

The GGST works with agencies and organizations to help define their projects and frame them in the context of what funders are supporting. Grants tend to fund projects that address identified needs and include measurable objectives. The GGST can help agencies define these and communicate the results.

Grant funding support staff

Grants Office partnership

GGST partners with Grants Office, a national grants development services firm with a 22-year track record of helping public sector agencies find and secure funding for technology projects. 

Public sector traffic

Each year, more than 5,000 grant programs are opened in the US, providing more than $500B in awards

Ready to review potential grant funding for your project?