ATM Transaction Finder

ATM transaction investigations 

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Quickly identify fraudulent transactions 

Security Center Transaction Finder is an ATM transaction investigation tool. The solution helps you quickly and easily identify ATM fraud using a single application. Use search criteria to find a specific transaction and watch the corresponding video. With video and other evidence, you can determine if further action is needed.

How can Transaction Finder help?

Skimming incidents

Skimming costs financial institutions and consumers over $1 billion every year. (FBI)

It’s critical that your financial institution has the proper tools to investigate ATM fraud and identify stolen PINs.

Debit and credit card fraud

60% of U.S. credit card holders have been victims of fraud.

Transaction Finder provides fraud investigation teams with the right information to help resolve these cases.

Customer claims

Resolving a case of fraud can take 30 to 90 days, leaving customers distressed. 

Alleviate concerns faster. When customers inquire about an error or submit a claim, your team can quickly confirm or deny any errors.

“Manually searching for video can take on average 1 to 2 hours or more per investigation. With an average of 7 investigations a day, that’s 1,750 to 3,500 hours lost in a year.”

– North American Credit Union

How does it work?

Define your search criteria

Filter down your search to specific ATM transactions of interest based on defined criteria. Search by transaction type, amount, date, time, or card number.

From detection to evidence sharing

Streamline ATM fraud investigations with Transaction Finder