AllGoVision - Video Analytics

Video Analytics

AllGoVision Deep Learning based on Video Analytics solutions offers over 50 features that are trained for high accuracy and precision on real time basis. The features/ solutions support multiple use cases law enforcement, city surveillance, building security, safety protocol enforcement, retail/business intelligence operations management, and parking management.

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Facial Recognition use cases for Law Enforcement 

-Suspect Search
-Blacklist identification
-Multi camera Tracking – across the city
-Suspicious Customer Identification in Retail/Hospitality 

ANPR use Cases for Traffic Management & Ticketing 

-Traffic Rules Violation Detection
-Congestion Detection 
-Over Speeding Detection 
-Illegal Parking Detection
-Integration Capability for Violation Ticketing Vehicle identification & counting

Search Analytics use cases for Law/Police investigations 

Forensic Search 
- On-demand search on archived video
- Search based on archived Metadata 
- Search based on different attributes – object, object behavior & events

Smart Search

Smart Metadata Search

- Real-time search 
- Search based on Metadata collected on live VA 
- Advanced real-time search through AGV Web-Client & VMS/PSIM Client 
- Supports lean search with high precision  

Multi Camera Tracking 

Automatic tracking across multiple cameras across the city 
Suspect Search, Blacklist Identification & Suspicious Customer identification using Facial Recognition 


Features and benefits

1.  Facial Recognition 

1.a. Use Cases : 


1. Suspect Search :
- Blacklist identification
- Multi camera Tracking – across the city

2. Business & Retail Intelligence : 
- VIP Identification 
- HNI customer identification 
- Suspicious customer identification 


1. Access Control : 
- Authenticate/Restrict entry to high security zones via integrations with Genetec Synergis Access Control 
- Supports Multi layered authentication 

2. Contactless Attendance Management

1.b. Key Differentiators

- Supports both Suspect Search (1:N) and Access control (1:1)
- NIST 1:N and 1:1 validated
- Can detect and track up to 100 faces per frame
- Tested with up to 12M suspect database
- Full DL solution for enhanced performance 
- Integration & Customization Flexibility 
- Combine features to solve Use Cases  

2. ANPR 

2.a. Use Cases 

1. Traffic Rules Violation Detection
2. Congestion Detection 
3. Over Speeding Detection 
4. Illegal Parking Detection
5. Integration Capability for Violation Ticketing Vehicle identification & counting 

1. Monitors vehicle ingress/egress 
2. Identify Parking duration 
3. Integration capability for fee collection   



1. Combined use case with Facial Recognition (Driver's face)
2.b. Key Differentiators 

- 26 countries supported
- Technical innovation to support non-standard plates 
- High Detection accuracy (Detection: 99+%, Recognition: 95+%)
- Full DL solution for enhanced performance 
- Integration & Customization Flexibility 
- Combine features to solve Use Cases

3. Search Analytics 

3.a. Use Cases 

- On-demand search on archived video 
- Search based on archived Metadata 
- Search based on different attributes - object, object behavior & events

- Real-time search 
- Search based on Metadata collected on live VA 
- Advanced real-time search through AGV Web-Client & VMS/PSIM Client 
- Supports lean search high precision  

- Automatic tracking across multiple cameras

3.b. Key Differentiators 

- Suspect can be automatically tracked across multiple cameras 

- Full DL solution for enhanced performance 
- Integration & Customization Flexibility 
- Combine features to solve Use Cases


Solution architecture

The video from IP Camera is sent to Video Analytics Server. Analytics alarms can be sent to Integrated Genetec Security Centre
or AllGoVision Alarm Management Software – Alarm Center where operator can view & search alarms and generate reports.

•AllGoVision Management client Connects with Genetec Security Centre, discovers cameras and gets Video  streams for
processing analytics
• The analytic rules that are set in AllGoVision Management client starts operating as a service
•The alarms/actionable events  are sent to Genetec event server.