Control iD


iDBridge enables customers to integrate Genetec's Security Center with Control iD's access controllers (iDAccess, iDFit, iDFlex etc), card readers and turnstiles. The product is compatible with fingerprint, RFID and PIN/Password identification.

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Control iD iDBridge Solution Overview

Control ID iDBridge enables customers to integrate Genetec's Security Center with Control iD's access controllers (iDAccess, iDFit, iDFlex etc), card readers and turnstiles. The product is compatible with fingerprint, RFID and PIN/Password identification.

Key market application

The Control iD - Genetec integration package enables customers to seamlessly use Control iD's access controllers, readers and turnstiles together with Genetec's Security Center. The integration is easy to install (both on-premises and/or in the cloud) and allows users to manage different identification types: fingerprint, RFID cards, PIN and password etc.

Features and benefits

The integration package has been developed with both robustness and flexibility in mind. It is very easy to install and configure while, at the same time, the package is very powerful and capable of handling a large number of simultaneous identification requests.

Solution architecture

The architecture of the solution can be found below. It is compatible with both cloud and on-premises deployments. The solution was developed in a flexible way, so that it can integrate with Control iD's whole line of access controllers(biometric terminals, turnstiles, RFID readers etc.)

Control iD developed 4 software components:

  • ControlidManager: This service (EXE) is responsible for integrating with the Genetec Server through the SDK, with Softwire in order to inform card swipes/device status and with Control iD's devices in order to receive and send data.
  • ControlidConfigurator: This application (EXE) is responsible for configuring the integration. It allows the user to create devices and fill device information in.
  • ControlidGenetec: This module (DLL) creates a button in the Cardholder user interface that allows the user to enroll biometric information.
  • ControlidEnrollManager: This application (EXE) is called by ControlidGenetec and presents the GUI for biometric information enrollment.