SentryCard is a biometric platform designed for organizations seeking an indisputable assurance of who is entering their facilities, accessing their computers and devices or logging into their websites
A frictionless multi-factor credential that is otherwise undiscoverable until biometrically authenticated.
Increase security and reduce complexity with the first self-contained, multi-factor biometric credential that provides a converged security solution across your organization.
-Works with existing infrastructure and processes
-The solution works out of the box with Synergis- No Special Integration needed
-Biometrics are enrolled, stored and matched solely within the credential,
-Credential is undiscoverable until biometrically authenticated
-Only the user touches the card, avoiding hygiene issues from shared touch points like keypads
-SentryCard can be phased-in as credentials are replaced, issued or upgraded
-Wide array of use cases, anchored by biometric physical security
-Demonstrable ROI and risk-mitigation
Jump to
- Airports
- Cannabis
- Cities
- Corporate Campuses
- Education
- Data Centers
- Energy Utilities
- Financial Institutions
- Gaming
- Government
- Healthcare
- Public Safety
- Retail
- Sports Entertainment
- Traffic
- Transit
- Asia Pacific
- Americas
- Europe
- Middle East And Africa
- Australia And New Zealand
Product line
- Synergis
Biometric logical access
SentryCard biometric authentication quickly provides proof-positive identification for every login, whether on-site or working remotely. When used in conjunction with third-party verification software, SentryCard saves significant resources by eliminating the need for using usernames and passwords. No more helpdesk resets! The SentryCard is flexible enough to log out users whether using time-based rules or simply removing the credential.

Biometric physical access
SentryCard can work in conjunction with existing physical access control infrastructure, replacing standalone biometric solutions. SentryCard and its data is undiscoverable until the user is biometrically authenticated, protecting the privacy of the user and the potential liability to the organization
SentryCard: Addressing Privacy Concerns
The protection of biometric data is of paramount importance. Any breach exposing this ultra-sensitive personal data poses significant risks and liabilities to the organization as well as to the affected person.
In order to keep organizations accountable, several U.S. States have passed legislation regarding the collection, storage and use of biometric data. Internationally, the E.U.’s General Data Protection Rights (GDPR) legislation, along with the rules in the UK and India provide a strong stance on biometric data protection and the associated liabilities.
Features and benefits
SentryCard works in conjunction with legacy infrastructure and does not require a rip and replace of existing equipment. SentryCard can be phased in as credentials are issued, replaced, or upgraded, giving organizations a flexible method of implementation.
SentryCard is completely self-contained, meaning it’s disconnected from any network and inherently safe. Since the fingerprint biometrics are stored and validated on the physical card itself,
SentryCard supports compliance with GDPR and CCPA regulations, alleviates a broad range of privacy concerns, and surpasses numerous industry standards.
The balance between people, processes, and technology has never been more important. SentryCard brings together different departments including Physical Security, IT, Operations, and Human Resources to give organizations the technology to control building access and logins to all their corporate systems and applications with one convenient solution. It replaces siloed solutions that don’t cross departments to create holistic security across an entire organization.