ThyssenKrupp Destination Dispatch
The ThyssenKrupp plugin integrates the ThyssenKrupp Destination Dispatch elevator system into Security Center using the ThyssenKrupp Ethernet Specification.
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Product line
- Security Center
- Synergis
Building Management
High-rise buildings pose unique challenges on restricting access while maximizing flow of people. Passengers select their floor based on their access rights and the destination management system guides them to an assigned elevator, increasing flow of passengers while restricting access.

Features and benefits
- Use Thyssenkrupp-embedded Data Entry Device (DED) readers and Synergis™ readers.
- Associate elevators and landings to Thyssenkrupp DEDs. A DED is a tablet installed on a landing or in an elevator. It displays the list of floors a cardholder can access and which elevator to use to get to a selected floor.
- Associate Synergis™ card readers to DEDs, so that a cardholder can present their badge to see a list of floors they can access, or be taken directly to their floor.
- Associate Synergis™ PIN readers to DEDs, so a cardholder can enter a PIN to see a list of floors they can access, or be taken directly to their floor. This could be useful for users who do not have a card and only need temporary access to the system.
- Associate cameras to DEDs to monitor live video.
Solution Architecture
The Thyssenkrupp Destination Dispatch Ethernet Security Specification is a protocol proprietary to Thyssenkrupp and is based on UDP datagram communication. Initial communication between Security Center and the Thyssenkrupp system is established through a broadcast message. After the elevator system is discovered, subsequent communication is established in UDP unicast.
A cardholder presents their badge to a DED, Security Center then validates the access rights of this cardholder, and communicates accessible destination floors to the Thyssenkrupp system. The elevator system calls the elevator to the floor the cardholder is on, and then dispatches it to the requested destination.