
UbiHub with SharpV ALPR Cameras 

Ubicquia’s UbiHub mounts to existing streetlight infrastructure to enable faster, more cost-effective, and visually streamlined deployment of SharpV ALPR cameras. UbiHub provides PoE power and LTE/Ethernet/Fiber backhaul that integrates seamlessly with Security Center AutoVuTM .  

Streetlight-mounted deployment of ALPR eliminates the need for new pole construction, site selection, and trenching power to cut permitting time and installation costs while preserving urban aesthetics. 

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  • Cities
  • Government
  • Public Safety
  • Traffic
  • Corporate Campuses
  • Energy Utilities


  • Americas

Product line

  • Autovu
  • Security Center

Integration with Security Center

UbiHub draws metered power directly from the photocell receptacle that is standard on over 350 million streetlights worldwide. Once energized, UbiHub can provide PoE power to a SharpV camera with LTE/Ethernet/Fiber backhaul options that seamlessly integrate with Security Center AutoVuTM. Simple – UbiHub is lightweight and attaches to existing streetlights in minutes. It blends into the cityscape, integrates with Security Center AutoVuTM, and is easy to relocate. 

Low Cost – Deploying ALPR with UbiHub costs less than traditional pole-mounted enclosures that require permitting and power trenching. 

Expanded Coverage – Expand ALPR footprint to provide a comprehensive view of a city or campus without the need for extensive new infrastructure. 

Reduced Cost – A UbiHub costs less than traditional pole-mounted enclosures and creates a standard for streetlight mounted SharpV cameras. 

Less crime, safer streets

With streetlight-based situational awareness and LPR cameras as force multipliers, police gain investigative advantages while deterring crime and helping citizens feel safer.

Privacy Protected

UbiHub can be configured to meet local requirements with privacy masking, no facial recognition, and configurable video-retention periods. The city owns the data, which is fully encrypted and never shared or sold.

Cities, Law Enforcement Agencies and Private Entities 

ALPR technology has become critical to cities, law enforcement agencies, and private entities. Selecting a site, permitting, pole construction, and trenching power can be time consuming and costly, making it difficult to scale ALPR networks quickly. 

Ubicquia’s UbiHub and the GenetecTM SharpV ALPR camera provide a cost-effective method for deploying ALPR cameras with reduced installation costs and minimal visual impact. This combination opens an unlimited array of ideal site options for ALPR to help keep communities and campuses safe. 


  • Attaches easily to existing streetlights and provides a ready-made platform for SharpV ALPR cameras 

  • Provides PoE power to attached cameras and LTE/Ethernet/Fiber backhaul options to Security Center AutoVuTM

  • Managed switch and VLAN capabilities 

  • Integrated Smart Streetlight controller 

  • Utility-grade metering 


  • Can be installed or relocated quickly to focus on specific areas of interest 

  • Blends into the existing streetscape 

  • Costs less than traditional pole mounted enclosures 

  • Expands ALPR coverage to provide a comprehensive view of a community or campus 

  • Helps make communities and campuses safer