Fostering a safe learning environment 

Studies confirm that teaching, research, and learning happen best when everyone feels safe. School security has evolved from solely protecting assets to mitigating risks. This proactive approach gives students, faculty, and parents the confidence they need to go about their day without a worry in their mind. The right tools for the job help security operators feel empowered to foster a safe learning environment where students and teachers thrive.

The main quad of a large university

Eliminate silos with unified security 

Departments are often siloed across campuses, which leads to redundant work and slower response times. As educational institutions increase in size and complexity, maintaining an all-encompassing view can be a challenge. A truly connected campus starts with unified security, giving campus police comprehensive oversight across all facilities and the ability to efficiently respond to emerging threats.

Explore our solutions for higher education institutions

Your campus environment is evolving. Our portfolio of tailored solutions are not only designed to protect higher education facilities, but also empower you to achieve operational efficiency.

Explore our solutions for K-12 schools

Elementary, middle, and high schools need to ensure students feel safe in order to learn and grow. The Genetec K-12 school portfolio empowers your team to respond to everyday security activities.