Product Privacy Sheet - Stratocast™

This document is a supplement to the Genetec Privacy Policy available at (the “privacy policy”) and applies to the following Genetec product (the “Product”): Stratocast.

June 4, 2021

This document is a supplement to the Genetec Privacy Policy available at (the “privacy policy”) and applies to the following Genetec product (the “Product”): Stratocast.


As part of your use of the Product, you (either you as an individual, or the legal entity that you represent, as applicable; referred to as “you”, “your” or “yours”), or your users, may upload, receive or generate certain information or data (“Data”). This document outlines what type of Data is concerned and to what extent Genetec (also referred to as “we”, “us” or “our”) may access, store, use or otherwise process (referred to as “processing”, “process” or other similar words) your Data.

What type of data will be captured by the Product?

Video recording and metadata: The core function of the Product is to record and enable you to manage video footage from your connected cameras. As such, the Product captures video recording from each camera enrolled in the Product, including the associated metadata.

Device Data: For support purposes, various Data related to the cameras you connect to the Product will be captured, such as their name and model. The Product will also capture the cameras’ local IP address to allow you to position them on your site map. 

Cameras public IP address: We may make available a feature to allow you to locate your connected cameras on a given site, to facilitate the management of the site’s security. For this purpose, we will also collect your cameras’ public IP address. 

User Data: The Product captures user identifiers to restrict access to only authorized users. This includes their name, e-mail address and contact information that you may configure in the Product. We will not have access to this Data as part of your use of the Product.

Usage Data: The Product captures standard usage information, including the time and approximate location of access of each user, based on their public IP address. We will have access to this data for analytics and regulatory compliance purposes. 

Performance Data: As part of your use of the Product, certain non-personal and non-confidential usage and product performance Data will be collected, such as Product configuration, functions and features used by the users, availability, and so forth. For clarity, product performance Data does not contain any other user Data. We will have access to your Product performance Data for billing and statistical purposes.

Data ownership, access and retention

You will always remain the owner of your Data. You are fully responsible for the content of your Data, which includes obtaining all rights, consents, authorizations and other approvals from all relevant third parties which may be necessary for you to make available your Data to us as part of your use of the Product, and for us to process your Data in accordance with the terms of our privacy policy and this document.

Your Data will be stored in our instance of the Microsoft Azure data centers selected out of the list of regions made available by Genetec in relation to the Product. The region of the data center where your Data will be processed will be determined based on the proximity of your Product deployment location. 

Genetec uses modern encryption standards to maintain the privacy and integrity of your Data in the Product, both in transit and at rest. The Data may be accessed only by the authorized system administrators (which may include your system integrator) and users with appropriate access privileges, as defined by you. Genetec personnel do not have access to any of your Data that resides in the Product. If you ask Genetec to provide support with regards to the Product, our support team will only have access to information that you submit to us as part of your support request or to which you decide to grant us access through the Product. As such, in certain cases, we may ask you to share additional information so that we can respond to your request for support. 

The Product enables you to configure retention periods for your Data based on your retention policies. You may also configure exceptions to the retention rules, should you choose to retain parts of your Data for a longer period. The Product will retain your Data based on your defined settings throughout your subscription to the Product.  

This document has been last updated on June 4, 2021. The latest version of this document may be found at We invite you to subscribe to the legal notifications in our Email Subscription Center to, among other things, be notified of any major changes to this document.